Metropolitan X

We design websites that speak directly to your customers, encouraging engagement and promoting your brand.

What we did

Metropolitan X, a company specializing in online technical trading, sought to create a course platform aimed at beginners. The project involved web design and development, with the goal of providing an easy-to-use platform that would allow users to learn at their own pace.

The first step was to create a modern design that aligned with Metropolitan X’s branding. The team worked closely with the company to develop a new color palette and visual identity that would appeal to their target audience. The resulting design was both sleek and user-friendly, incorporating intuitive navigation and clear calls to action.

The marketing site was built in Framer, which allowed for easy updates and scalability. The team implemented a range of features to enhance the user experience, including a course catalog, individual course pages, and a technical blog.

To ensure that the courses were accessible to beginners, the team worked closely with MetropolitanX to create content that was engaging and easy to understand. The courses covered a range of topics, from basic terminology to more advanced strategies, with interactive elements such as quizzes and videos to keep users engaged.

To ensure that the courses were accessible to beginners, the team worked closely with Metropolitan X to create content that was engaging and easy to understand. The courses covered a range of topics, from basic terminology to more advanced strategies, with interactive elements such as quizzes and videos to keep users engaged.

Finally, we used Podia to take advantage of the already built-in features.This included configuring the payment gateway, ensuring that users could easily purchase courses, and robust security measures to protect user data.

Tech Stack: 

Let’s connect

We design websites that speak directly to your customers, encouraging engagement and promoting your brand.